- Complete Rewiring!
- Choose to use the PDB made yesterday, as redoing is tedious and time-consuming
- Mount PDB higher, above the main platform
- Mount RC receiver and Telemetry receiver higher, as the DF13 wires are not long enough - Compassmot testing. The turning motor will affect the magnetometer by 9% max. Tolerance is 30%. So the current configuration is acceptable.
[ADD PHOTO OF UAV HERE] - Semi-auto flight with the re-wired bird. Quite elegant, but experience occasional wobbling.
Things to do:
- The pixhawk is tilted to the right slightly, due to uneven bottom surface. Re-position of foam will solve the problem.
- Video transmission system hand over to me, try to troubleshoot if the transmitter is malfunctioning (spectrum analyzer)
- Vibration test.